How to know if an item is recyclable

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Before disposing of items in the trash, first make sure it can’t be recycled. Unsure of what can and can’t be recycled? Consult this guide before you accidentally put valuable items in the trash, or contaminate recycling with something that belongs in the landfill!


The universal recycling symbol of three arrows chasing one another in a triangle indicates that a product’s packaging is both recyclable and made of recycled materials.

Oregon is one of the lucky few states that actually pays you to recycle. Check your plastic and aluminum beverage containers to see if they are eligible to score you some cash!


Paper: Paper represents the largest portion of total waste produced in the nation. Most paper products can be recycled as long as they are clean and have no food waste or oily residue.

Plastics: Only plastics that are marked with the universal recycling symbol and are clean of food or residue may be recycled. Make sure to remove the label too!

Glass: Glass recyclables are restricted to beverage bottles and food jars. Mirrors, ceramics, and light bulbs cannot be recycled.

Aluminum and Steel: Almost all aluminum beverage cans and steel cans may be recycled, as long as they are thoroughly rinsed first.





on “How to know if an item is recyclable
8 Comments on “How to know if an item is recyclable
  1. Blogs are a great method to share information on contaminate recycling, and I enjoy reading them because sometimes they teach me a lot. This blog is one of those. I appreciate you sharing this article so much. Continue blogging and expanding.

  2. My favorite part is when you said that understanding the recycling possibility could help with appropriate waste management and the recycling process. My brother informed me a few nights ago that he planned to dispose of his scrap metals but not the trash to help provide impact to save our environment. I’m thankful for this helpful recycling article. I’ll tell him he can consult a well-known scrap metal recycling service as they can help with proper scrap management.

  3. This guide is a vital tool for promoting responsible waste management practices, offering invaluable insights for individuals committed to reducing their environmental impact. By emphasizing the significance of the universal recycling symbol, it empowers readers to identify recyclable materials effectively, thus aiding in the separation of items fit for recycling from those bound for landfills. Additionally, the article sheds light on Oregon’s innovative recycling incentives, highlighting the state’s pioneering efforts to reward individuals for returning eligible containers, a practice that not only encourages recycling but also fosters a culture of sustainability. By integrating resources like, this guide further expands its scope, illustrating the importance of embracing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable initiatives to address pressing environmental challenges. Through informed decision-making and active participation in recycling programs, readers can play a pivotal role in conserving natural resources and curbing waste generation for a greener future.

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