About me

I am an associate professor in planning, public policy and management at the University of Oregon where I co-direct the Institute for Policy Research and Engagement.  My research focuses on land use policy, growth management, housing affordability in rural Oregon, and transportation planning and finance. In particular, I study the intersection of land use policy with housing affordability, transportation financing, and climate change.

I examine the long-term impact of land use and growth management policies on development patterns and the role of institutional factors in the efficacy of these policies. I completed one of the first studies on the efficacy of using incentives to control growth through Maryland’s smart growth program, finding that the policy did not curb sprawl after adoption.  In Oregon, I have examined how the well-renowned Oregon Statewide Planning Program affects density and livability in cities.  After 40 years of state planning in Oregon, cities have become more dense and have curbed urban sprawl outside of urban growth boundaries (UGBs).  My research has informed administrative rule-making and policy in Oregon through HB 2254 and HB 4079 Rules Advisory Committees.

I teach courses in Public Budget Administration, Growth Management, Intro to City Planning, and Research Skills. I teach the University of Oregon faculty-led study abroad program “Planning Cities for People on Bikes” in Denmark and the Netherlands, alternating instruction with Marc Schlossberg.

Outside of my academic career, I am an avid bicycle commuter (even in the Oregon rain) and I enjoy exploring new cities on two feet, two wheels, or by public transit. I spend my free time hiking, competing in triathlons, growing vegetables & dahlias, and baking.


How to contact me:

Email  – rlewis9 AT uoregon.edu

Office Phone – (541) 346-4432