Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? –

Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? –

This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business.  It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students.  What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”.  Really?  We still don’t believe, as business educators, that we ought to take […] Continue reading

Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables –

Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables –

Great article on the skillsets needed in the new economy and how our education system doesn’t produce enough students with those skillsets.

Friedman writes:

“A Washington lawyer friend recently told me about layoffs at his firm. I asked him who was getting axed. He said it was interesting: lawyers who […] Continue reading

Another School’s Experience with Reforming Gen Ed – Temple

This article describes Temple University’s experience with reforming their General Education curriculum.  Note how they contrast a focus on teaching with a focus on content:

“Speaking more broadly of the new general education curriculum, Cutler contrasts Temple’s approach with standard distribution requirements, in which students are required to take a certain number of courses in a […] Continue reading

News: Reforming the Requirement-Free Curriculum – Inside Higher Ed

News: Reforming the Requirement-Free Curriculum – Inside Higher Ed

Here’s an interesting article about Brown University and their experience with a “requirement-free” university.  As my BA352 students work on their projects on reforming General Education at the UO, this provides another perspective to consider.
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