How to Engage Your Audience Ethos3 – A Presentation Design Agency
Nice post on engaging your audience vs. just getting their attention. How to Engage Your Audience Ethos3 – A Presentation Design Agency.
Nice post on engaging your audience vs. just getting their attention. How to Engage Your Audience Ethos3 – A Presentation Design Agency.
This piece from Ken Burns, famed documentary film maker, says more about leadership than most books…if you read and think about it closely. Don’t just read the words – imagine what your life would be like if you actually did what he suggested.
In this NY Times interview with Michael Mathieu, C.E.O. of YuMe, an online video advertising firm, the CEO discusses leading and managing. His approach incorporates the elements of the 5 Practices of Leadership (Kouzes and Posner) and Emotional Intelligence (Goleman).
Redesigning Education: Why Can’t We Be in Kindergarten for Life? Great Fast Company article on how our traditional models of education, from pedagogy down to classroom design, are outmoded given what students will need to be able to do to succeed in today’s world. We have all heard the phrase, … Continue reading
Daniel Pink, author of “A Whole New Mind”, has a new book out on motivation, “Drive”. In it, he argues that material incentives don’t actually provide effective motivation – in fact, they may hurt performance. This isn’t really new research (see Herzberg’s two-factor theory of the late 50’s early 60’s), … Continue reading
Sticky slides – PowerPoint presentation design: Google Street View – a great source of presentation images Good source of presentation images – Google Street View. Blogged with the Flock Browser
Very interesting work by a graphic design artist, Toby Ng Kwong To, on the composition of the world if it were a village of 100 people. Very sticky concept and way to present complex information. Here is an example: Copyright: Toby Ng Design,
Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? – This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business. It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students. What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”. Really? We still don’t believe, as business educators, … Continue reading
Slides that stick – PowerPoint presentation design: Just listen to yourself Useful advice when you are stuck putting a presentation together. Just tell the story! Forget about the format, structure, slides, etc. Just tell the story in your own words and record it. Then go back and see what worked … Continue reading
Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables – Great article on the skillsets needed in the new economy and how our education system doesn’t produce enough students with those skillsets. Friedman writes: “A Washington lawyer friend recently told me about layoffs at his firm. I asked him who was getting … Continue reading