Job Opportunity at Fact Set
Check out this opportunity and plan to attend the info session. FactSet Overview 2014
Check out this opportunity and plan to attend the info session. FactSet Overview 2014
How do you know if you are practicing Emotional Intelligence? What does it look like? What are the behaviors? Check this article for the signs of EI.
The AMA is a great opportunity to gain practical experience. Here is an announcement from them: We are a student run marketing club that gives students real world marketing experience and connections to professionals. We are looking for the best of the best for our Executive Board. . We have … Continue reading
Having trouble communicating an idea clearly using simple language? Having trouble getting clear about your core idea? Try this brilliant text editor that forces you to use only the most commonly used 1,000 words in the English language. The Up-Goer Five Text Editor
Interesting video on what it takes to be creative. It highlights the ideas we have discussed in class about becoming more comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity, recognizing that a creative process will invoked both feelings of despair and joy and you have to accept both, and that creativity is about … Continue reading
How many people do you know who are academically brilliant and have degrees from the best schools, but have not managed to become successful in their professional or personal lives, despite having had many opportunities handed to them? How many times have you come across an employee who is brilliant … Continue reading
I’d like to recommend a course for you this winter, BA410: Strategic Writing in Organizations taught by Ron Severson. The course is designed to prepare students to serve as LCB Writing TAs and, even more importantly, to prepare you to become writing and communication specialists within your future organizations. … Continue reading
Here is Part 2 of examples of Educational Blogs from UMW.
Very interesting work by a graphic design artist, Toby Ng Kwong To, on the composition of the world if it were a village of 100 people. Very sticky concept and way to present complex information. Here is an example: Copyright: Toby Ng Design,
Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? – This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business. It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students. What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”. Really? We still don’t believe, as business educators, … Continue reading