Pie the Professor
More pics. Watch ESPN College Game Day and you might see some footage of one of our profs getting pied in class.
More pics. Watch ESPN College Game Day and you might see some footage of one of our profs getting pied in class.
Got “pied” today for a fundraiser. [youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=aU6QY0XcpzQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]
Here is an invitation from the Entrepreneurship Club advisor: Entrepreneurial skills have never been more demanded for our challenging economy and changing global issues. The undergraduate entrepreneurship program is focused to provide these skills, not only for those seeking to initiate their own new ventures, but to increase the effectiveness … Continue reading
All tutoring will be held in the Leadership Suite, Room 140A (where Anne Forrestel’s, Chuck Kalnbach’s, and Heidi Connole’s offices are located). The following are the tutoring hours for Week 3: Individual Tutoring: Tuesday 2 – 4pm Wednesday 1 – 3pm Thursday 2 – 4pm Friday 9 – 11am Group Tutoring: … Continue reading
A reminder to sign-up and attend a resume workshop if you have not done so already. After attending the workshop, you will begin work on the Resume Assignment and meet with the Career Services GTF, Brett Ratchford. Click here to schedule that meeting. The resume documents are also posted on … Continue reading
Here is a timely post on presentations relating to what we discussed yesterday: “Don’t use the Business Plan to present the Business Plan”. In other words, the proposal is done and written. Now, put it down and figure out how to tell your story.
Very interesting work by a graphic design artist, Toby Ng Kwong To, on the composition of the world if it were a village of 100 people. Very sticky concept and way to present complex information. Here is an example:
Copyright: Toby Ng Design, ht… Continue reading
Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? – NYTimes.com
This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business. It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students. What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”. Really? We still don’t believe, as business educators, that we ought to take […] Continue reading
Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables – NYTimes.com
Great article on the skillsets needed in the new economy and how our education system doesn’t produce enough students with those skillsets.
Friedman writes:
“A Washington lawyer friend recently told me about layoffs at his firm. I asked him who was getting axed. He said it was interesting: lawyers who […] Continue reading
This article describes Temple University’s experience with reforming their General Education curriculum. Note how they contrast a focus on teaching with a focus on content:
“Speaking more broadly of the new general education curriculum, Cutler contrasts Temple’s approach with standard distribution requirements, in which students are required to take a certain number of courses in a […] Continue reading