Course Schedule

Week 1

1A Class
Week 1 To Do List


Professionalism Rubric

1A Slides

Student Information Form

Submit Blog URL here

1B Class

1B Slides

Writing Assignment #1 (WA#1) (This assignment is also on Blackboard and completed assignments will need to be submitted on Blackboard).

Memo Writing Support Documents:

Big Chief Memo Analysis
Big Chief Annotated Memo
Memo Writing Guidelines

Week 2

Week 2 To Do List

2A Class

2A Slides

Design Thinking
Design Thinking Toolkit (This website offers a comprehensive approach to addressing complex issues.  It has specific methods and techniques that will help you work through your project.  We will roughly follow this approach but you should also take the initiative to try any of these methods as you work on your project.  I suggest you download the Design Toolkit in the top right corner and also explore the other Methods by clicking the “Methods” tab.  Teh Design Toolkit lays out the process you should follow in developing this project).

Proposal Documents – Assignment Overview,  Sample Proposal 1Sample Proposal 2

2B Class

2B Slides

Team Agreements

SLPI Score Spreadsheet – use this to calculate scores on self-assessment

Week 3

Week 3 To Do List

3A Class

3A Slides

3B Class

SWITCH – Chapter 1 (check out the authors’s website for more insights on this book about change management and Made to Stick, about persuasive communication)

3B Slides

Week 4

Week 4 To Do List

4A Class 

4A Slides
4B Class –
Presentation Skills

4B Slides

Week 5

Week 5 To Do List

5A Class

Situation Analysis Presentations (Mandatory Attendance)

Situation Analysis Presentation Instructions
Presentation Grading Rubric
Audience Response Form

5B Class

Preparing for Team Feedback

5B Slides

Online Midterm Peer Evaluation
Midterm Team Feedback Workbook

Proposal Documents:  Top 10 Reasons Proposals FailGuidelines for Writing the Proposal DraftWriting Executive Summaries,  Written Proposal Requirements

Week 6

Week 6 To Do List

6A Class –

6B Class 

6B Slides

Week 7

Week 7 To Do List

7A Class

7B Class


 Week 8

Week 8 To Do List

8A Class

8A Slides

Making Presentations That Stick

8B Class

Writing Executive Summaries – this document describes executive summaries and how they are used

Executive Summary Assignment Instructions – this document describes the assignment you will do in class

Week 9

Week 9 To Do List

Audience Response Form

9A Class:

9B Class: 

Week 10

Week 10 To Do List

Final Peer Evaluation

Final Peer Feedback Workbook

Final Exam

Final Exam Rubric

10A Class

10B Class

Do You Have the Will to Lead?

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  1. Pingback: Ron Bramhall’s BA 352 Site » Resume Assignment

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