4B – Presentation Skills
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Emotional Intelligence and Encouraging the Heart. Why Appreciation Matters So Much http://blogs.hbr.org/schwartz/2012/01/why-appreciation-matters-so-mu.html
Hi All You will receive your first memo back this week. To prepare to do the revision of this assignment, you are encouraged to visit a tutor. What follows is the process for signing up. 1. Follow this link and locate the desired date and time for the tutoring appointment. … Continue reading
Rider and elephant? Another Lesson From Steve Jobs: A Driving Vision Has 4 Key Elements http://www.fastcodesign.com/1665852/a-management-lesson-from-steve-jobs-outstanding-leaders-have-both-passion-and-vision
Here is a link to criteria. http://bit.ly/bigideas2012
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One team member from each group needs to attend the information session with ASUO Rep Friday, 1:30-2:00 in Lillis 275.
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