Slides that stick – PowerPoint presentation design: Just listen to yourself

Slides that stick – PowerPoint presentation design: Just listen to yourself Useful advice when you are stuck putting a presentation together.  Just tell the story!  Forget about the format, structure, slides, etc.  Just tell the story in your own words and record it.  Then go back and see what worked … Continue reading

Slides that stick – PowerPoint presentation design: Just listen to yourself

Slides that stick – PowerPoint presentation design: Just listen to yourself

Useful advice when you are stuck putting a presentation together.  Just tell the story!  Forget about the format, structure, slides, etc.  Just tell the story in your own words and record it.  Then go back and see what worked about […] Continue reading

How to craft a memorable key message in 10 minutes : Speaking about Presenting

How to craft a memorable key message in 10 minutes : Speaking about Presenting

This week in next in my Leadership and Communication class, we will begin to prepare for their final presentation of their proposals to make General Education at the UO better.  I will be helping them get really clear about their core […] Continue reading

Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students — Campus Technology

Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students — Campus Technology Good beginning advice for anyone wanting to use Blogs with students for reflection and learning.  I might add though that evaluation is trickier for blogs.  As the author mentions, an instructor’s comments on blogs should be … Continue reading

Purdue University Adds Twitter and Facebook to Class Participation

Purdue University Adds Twitter and Facebook to Class Participation

In my Leadership and Communication class, my students are working on projects focused on improving General Education at the UO.  One of the problems they have identified with our Gen Ed approach is lack of student engagement, both because of large, impersonal classes and lack of […] Continue reading

Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables –

Op-Ed Columnist – The New Untouchables –

Great article on the skillsets needed in the new economy and how our education system doesn’t produce enough students with those skillsets.

Friedman writes:

“A Washington lawyer friend recently told me about layoffs at his firm. I asked him who was getting axed. He said it was interesting: lawyers who […] Continue reading