Sticky slides – PowerPoint presentation design: Google Street View – a great source of presentation images

Sticky slides – PowerPoint presentation design: Google Street View – a great source of presentation images
Good source of presentation images – Google Street View.
Blogged with the Flock Browser Continue reading

Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? –

Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? – This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business.  It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students.  What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”.  Really?  We still don’t believe, as business educators, … Continue reading

Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? –

Multicultural Critical Theory. At Business School? –

This article is a nice take on a “new” way of teaching business.  It’s what I try to do with my undergraduate students.  What is shocking to me is that this is considered “groundbreaking”.  Really?  We still don’t believe, as business educators, that we ought to take […] Continue reading