All tutoring will be held in the Leadership Suite, Room 140A (where Anne Forrestel’s, Chuck Kalnbach’s, and Heidi Connole’s offices are located).
The following are the tutoring hours for Week 3:
Individual Tutoring:
Tuesday 2 – 4pm
Wednesday 1 – 3pm
Thursday 2 – 4pm
Friday 9 – 11am
Group Tutoring:
Wednesday 5 – 6pm, 8 – 9pm
Friday 1 – 2pm
Group sessions are meant to help you gain a better understanding of the case and the prompt. Please bring any questions you might have on the content of the case to the group sessions. Individual tutoring will be divvied up into ten minute increments. The purpose of individual times is to review specific questions you have on your written memo.
Please email us if you have any questions!
Ashlynn, Conner, and Linley