Introducing Evernote

I’d like to introduce a powerful tool for organizing information across settings, Evernote.  I use evernote to capture and organize almost everything.  I have folders for projects I am working on, recipes, pictures, when I take a trip I create a folder for all the related documents.  On the free account, it will accept PDF’s and full webpages.  It’s cross-platform – I can access my notes on my phone, my laptop, my desktop, your laptop, your desktop…you get the picture.  It is fully searchable (even PDF’s) and allows for tagging of all objects.  You can incorporate it into your browser and use a simple right-click to save a webpage or pdf to your account.  You can share folders over the web. In short, this is an amazing, free, robust tool.  I wish I had had this when I was a student.  Read here for more on how to use it.

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