I find this an interesting metaphor for showing the integrated aspects of eportfolio thinking and learning (akin to Helen Barrett’s “Two Faces of Eportfolios”).
Creative Commons Attribution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24289877@N02/ / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
The creator offers the following ways this idea might apply (developed for a paper given at the VET E-portfolios Showcase Symposium 2009 – learning for life, in Melbourne):
“* Developmental/showcase/professional
* Private/public space
* Trust/rapport
* Rehearse as a group as well as an individual
* Collection of ‘projects’ – some half-finished, some ready for the next production, some still in the concept phase, some abandoned
* Spend time as an apprentice, sweeping, painting scenery, learning the vocabulary
* Start to rehearse. Feedback from director/peers (work collaboratively to interpret a script)
* Personality – interpretation of the script (role/assessment/rubric)
* Audience – who are they? Appropriacy. Don’t always know (global)
* Dress rehearsal/first night – iterative feedback loop”
I like the way the metaphor neatly describes the many facets of folio thinking and learning (much of it is messy, behind the scenes, developmental, iterative, hard to measure) , and how that is different from eportfolios as a showcase of skills, learning, abilities (which should be more polished, practiced, developed).