
We can read all accepted abstracts and papers.
Click here (abstracts) and here (papers).

Once accepted, full papers can be submitted to PUARL by October 15, 2018 for inclusion in a conference record in 2018, and possible inclusion into the anniversary conference book.

Full conference early bird registration fee is $400 (until September 30), not including the 10 Year Anniversary Publication or the Saturday dinner. Presenters will be expected to pay the full conference fee and to fund their travel expenses.

Important Dates
Registration Opens: September 1, 2018.
Full Papers Due: October 15, 2018
PLoP Conference October 24-26
PUARL Conference October 26-28, 2018
October 26: Joint keynote with PUARL and PLoP

Full Papers Template
Word template(docx): Click here.