Immigration is highly disputed in Italian politics, with many seeking refuge through Sicily. On several occasions, NGO refugee ships have been blocked by Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and staunch supporter of anti-immigration, from entering Italian ports for up to two weeks (Larsen, 2019; De Maio, 2019). Politicians and constituents are split; some supporting due to the high rate of unemployment, while others oppose believing it is a violation of the Italian constitution and UN convention on asylum, illustrating the concepts of realistic group conflict and cultural threat, respectively (Zarate, 103-104).
In contrast, the DACA program is eliciting positive, empathetic reactions to immigrants by some Supreme Court justices and individuals (Da Silva, 2019). The writer wants the program to stay for the wellbeing of immigrant children, displaying empathy. Conversely, a negative, anxious reaction to immigrants is the fear of immigrants buying/renting children to go through the US-Mexico border (Dinan, 2019). The article sets treatment of immigrants with children against the fear of fraudulent behavior.
Similarly, Trump previously required legal immigrants to get health care coverage before they could get visas and entry to US, which was put on hold by a federal judge in Portland, Oregon, since this rule would separate families and reduce green-card-based immigrants (“Trump’s health”, 2019). This hold would decrease prejudice because it corresponds to the wish of immigrants with family-sponsored visas and this action reduces anxiety and enhances empathy (Pettigrew, 276-277).
Finally, tensions have been caused by disparities in housing, voting rights, and safety in Yakima, Washington between white citizens and the children and families of Mexican immigrants, some of whom are undocumented (Searcey, 2019). These inequities increase white citizens’ prejudice against Mexican immigrants, because they keep the two groups separated, and do not allow for increased empathy or reduced anxiety (Pettigrew, 277).
Associated Press. 2019, November 2. Trump’s health insurance rule for immigrants put on hold by judge. USA Today.
Da Silva, C. 2019, November 13. Supreme Court Justices Couldn’t Stop Interrupting Each Other During DACA Oral Arguments. Newsweek.
Dinan, S. 2019, November 13. More than 600 children ‘recycled’ by migrant smugglers at border: ICE. Washington Times.
Larsen, R. (2019, August 15). Salvini Keeps Immigration Front and Center Before Crucial Vote. Retrieved November 20, 2019, from
Maio, G. D. (2019, January 11). Italy and immigration: Europe’s Achilles’ heel. Retrieved November 20, 2019, from
Searcey, D. and Gebeloff, R. 2019, November 19. The Divide in Yakima is the Divide in America. The New York Times.
I thought it was really interesting how you guys not only discussed American immigrantion, but also immigration issues from other countries for a more global view. Good work!
I really liked how in the beginning you used Italy as an example from the media and that kind of showed how the concepts we learn also apply outside of the US. I also really liked your example of DACA and how you showed that it increases positive feelings in individuals, and also how you related Pettigrew’s articles by showing how inequities and differences between citizens and immigrants in Washington is increasing prejudice and negative feelings, and decreasing positive feelings. Good job!
Great job on finding a variety of articles. I found the situation with Portland interesting in that the hold by the judge not only decreased prejudice, but it would also benefit mental health by decreases instances of anxiety.