About our Course

This seminar placed the contemporary Black Lives Matter Movement in a larger context of the Black Freedom Movement and broad visions for social and economic justice, redistribution, labor rights, gender and sexual autonomy, and democracy. The readings, lectures, guest speakers and exercises are designed to both familiarize students with the history and contemporary impact of these movements and to explore the complex relationship between racial domination, political action, and wide visions of justice and democracy.

Throughout the course, we considered the intersections of race, class, gender, nation, sexuality and culture. The wide range of reading material we will draw upon include Ta-Nehisi Coates’ memoir of race, power and place in Baltimore; scholar-activist Angela Davis’ analysis of the US prison industrial complex; and Ibram Rodgers’ account of the Black Campus Movement. We will also learn consider the histories of local political struggles in Eugene, Oregon and the Northwest around racial justice, labor power, and black freedom.

The goals of this course were:

  • To familiarize students with some of the important themes, debates and arguments central to Black political activism and social movements focused on transformation and redistribution.
  • To think critically and engage with a series of important concepts within ethnic studies and political science, especially racism, patriarchy, nationalism, ideology, identity, democracy, structures and power.
  • To improve critical writing and analysis skills through regular practice and feedback.
  • To provide opportunities for students to reflect upon their own experiences and perspectives in light of the course themes.


Guest speakers included:

Paula Ioanide, Ithaca College, author of The Emotional Politics of Racism

Johnny Earl,  UO Classified Workers Union Vice President (SEIU Local 85)

Ibram X Kende, University of Florida, author of The Black Campus Movement

Dan Berger, UW Bothel, author of Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era (via Skype)

Lisa Beard, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Oregon, author of “James Baldwin on Violence and Disavowal.”

Ahjamu Umi, Organizer, SEIU Local 503 and All African People’s Revolutionary Party

Professor Mark Harris, UO Substance Abuse Prevention Program 

Alicia Walters, Founder Echoing Ida and staff member of Forward Together