Our Organization

We are a Political Action Committee that is trying to influence a state election(Oregon) with the purpose of increasing state funding for public K-12 education. In 2013, Oregon had the second lowest graduation rate in the entire United States with a low of 69%. In November of 2016 the state of Oregon passed measure 98, which distributes $800 more per high school student in order to fund programs that will help with dropout prevention strategies. Although this is a large step forward, we would like to expand further state funding to all K-12 schools and not just high school alone. Although not all of our founders hail from Oregon, they were all inspired by their University of Oregon Political Science professor, Julian Gottlieb, to make a difference for students in the state of their meeting. To see how our organization intends to change the way education works in Oregon, click here!

Concerned about our status as a PAC? Learn more about what that means here on our FAQ page!

Dedicated to Julian Gottlieb (1990-2017)

Died of amazement from his favorite group’s campaign project

RIP in Peace

-Oregon School Funding Group