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This site was recently moved to University of Oregon and is in the process of being updated. For the active site, see: http://postbubbleculture.blogs.wm.edu/ Check back...

The Death of Manga: Failure to Adapt

Like all print media, Japanese manga might just be a victim of the times we live in. Manga, or Japanese comic book, sales peaked...

Hybridization: Japan’s Presence in American Cartoons

Japanese Anime’s presence in western cartoons has been prevalent for years, exemplified in the drawing and animation style in shows such as Teen Titans...
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The Complex Role of Women in Japanese Media

When looking at representation of women in modern media, it is easy to default to the paragons and the villains. Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away...

Cute: To Be or Not to Be…..That is the question.

By: Alice An かわいい。귀여워. Cute. There are so many different words that the world uses to describe the concept of cute.So what exactly does...
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My name is Khauri (Ka-Ha-Ri) McClain and I am a Freshman at The College of William and Mary with a passion for computer science...

Tidying Consultant Marie Kondo: Continuing Trends of Western Interest in Japanese Aesthetics

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness, a phrase that originally referred to the importance of personal hygiene to stave infection. But it...


English | Japanese ● 1980 年代:ファミコンの普及に伴って、各種コンピューターゲームソフトを扱う店が増え始める。 ● 1990 年代:郊外型やカメラ系の家電量販店の台頭で家電売り上げが減少。 ● 1994...


The Imperial Rescript on Education Issued in 1890 1890年に作られた教育ニ関スル勅語です。 Japanese Education...