The following is a list of student groups, professional societies, activities, and UO programs relevant to the interests of PhysGrads. Feel free to request access to edit this page (by emailing the List/Web Master) and include your own favorite groups! Oftentimes, groups of PhysGrads will arrange their own activities (such as book clubs, climbing clubs, soccer, etc). These may be advertised over the PhysGradList email list, or spread by word of mouth. The best way to find others that share your interests are to talk to other PhysGrads!
Professional Societies
- American Physical Society (APS)
- The Optical Society (OSA)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
Diversity in STEM Groups
- Physicists for Advancing Gender Equity in Science (PAGES)
- The North Star Project
- UO Women in Graduate Science (UOWGS)
- A Community for Minorities in Stem (CMiS)
Teaching Programs / Outreach Opportunities
- Science Literacy Program (SLP)
- StemCore
- Science Program to Inspire Creativity and Excellence (SPICE)
- Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL)
- Oregon Country Fair
Extracurricular Activities
- UO Outdoor Program
- Eugene Community Garden
- UO sports tickets (many, including home football games, are free!)