August12th, 2013 Follow-up Webinars

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Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar I

The Stages of Implementation 

This 30 minute Webinar will introduce the four stages of implementation and help your team identify your current stage of implementation. The stages are not linear and your team may find attributes from more than one stage that you have in place or that you are missing.

Scaling Up EBISS Stages of Implementation from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar II

Competency Implementation Drivers: Facilitators to Implementation

This 30 minute Webinar will highlight the District Leadership Implementation Team and reacquaint you with the competency drivers: training, coaching, selection and performance assessment. The competency drivers compel us to evaluate the skills of all staff across our organization, because staff competency is the fundamental building block to sustainability.

Scaling Up EBISS Introduction to the Competency Driver from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar III

Organizational Implementation Drivers: What the data says about facilitators and barriers.

This 30 minute Webinar will take a deeper look into the organizational support drivers: Systems interventions, decision support data systems and a facilitative administration. The drivers stress the importance of using data to identify the barriers and facilitators to implementation of your evidence based practices.

Scaling Up EBISS Introduction to the Organization Drivers from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar IV

Staff Competency and the Importance of Performance Assessment.

Staff competency is the fundamental building block to effective implementation of your chosen evidence based practice. This 17 minute Webinar will discuss the purpose and best practices central to an effective performance assessment system that is supported by a facilitative administration.

Scaling Up EBISS Staff Competency from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar V

Implementation Science: Putting it all Together.

This 16 minute Webinar will review how all the drivers must be integrated to support staff competence – the fundamental building block to sustainability. A brief preview of the next Live Training will be provided.

Scaling Up EBISS Putting it all together from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.


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