2021 Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Awards

Each year, Oregon Folklife Network’s Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program (TAAP) assists accomplished mentors in passing on their living traditions to promising apprentices of the same cultural community. A prestigious statewide honor, TAAP awards are often a precursor for traditional artists to be nominated for National Heritage Fellowship awards through the National Endowment for the Arts.

Meet Oregon’s 2021 TAAP awardees.

TAAP offers traditional master artists and culture keepers a $3,000 stipend to teach their art form to their apprentices, plus a $500 stipend to share their project with the public. The program does not fund historic reenactments or cultural appropriation. Applications are due annually by October 1 for projects taking place the following calendar year, and staff will provide feedback on drafts sent prior to Sept 1. To learn more, visit ofn.uoregon.edu, email ofn@uoregon.edu or call 541-346-3820.

TAAP is funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and Oregon Arts Commission.


Published on: Categories: TAAP

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