Oregon Legends & Lore Marker Program

The Oregon Folklife Network has partnered with the William G. Pomeroy Foundation® on their Legends & Lore® Marker Program. Established by the Pomeroy Foundation in 2015, Legends & Lore promotes cultural heritage by placing markers at sites associated with local traditional culture (for example: folklore, customs, legends, beliefs, traditional art, music and dance) in communities across the United States. Stories from Oregon’s rich folklife heritage will be featured on roadside markers at sites across the state thanks to a partnership between the Oregon Folklife Network and the William G. Pomeroy Foundation.

OFN will serve as a grant evaluator for the Pomeroy Foundation’s expanding national Legends & Lore Marker Grant Program, helping to put Oregon folklife in the spotlight. OFN will be responsible for reviewing applications as well as confirming the legitimacy and accuracy of folklore and legends that applicants in Oregon intend to commemorate on a marker.

How to Propose an Oregon Legends & Lore® Marker:

Go to OFN’s Legends & Lore page and click on the application hotlink. Grants are available to 501(c)(3) organizations, nonprofit academic institutions and municipalities in Oregon. The Foundation’s grants cover the entire cost of a marker, pole and shipping. See above for a sample sign featured for the Legends & Lore Marker Grant Program.

Questions? Contact Riki Saltzman riki@uoregon.edu or Emily West Hartlerode eafanado@uoregon.edu or call 541-346-3820.

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