About the Symposium

The Northwest Forest Plan Just Futures Symposium explores and amplifies issues of Tribal sovereignty and environmental justice in federal lands management in the context of the current revision process for the Northwest Forest Plan.  The symposium brings together practitioners and academics to explore issues including cultural burning, labor justice, recreational equity, and climate justice.  It is free and open to the public, no registration required.

The Northwest Forest Plan structures federal land management for 24 million acres across Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. Currently, it is undergoing the first major revision in 30 years via a proposed amendment. The outcome of this amendment process may influence land management across the Pacific Northwest for decades.

The University of Oregon’s Native American Student Union and Climate Justice League will host an affiliated drop-in comment writing session during the symposium to encourage public participation in the Northwest Forest Plan amendment process.

The Northwest Forest Plan Collaborative also released a white paper (shared on this website) providing recommendations around Tribal sovereignty and environmental justice that we hope will be useful to organizations and individuals as they comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Northwest Forest Plan amendment. We hope that these suggestions reach a diversity of organizations and individuals with divergent visions of federal land management.

Organizers: The Northwest Forest Plan Collaborative Group is a campus-community collaborative out of the University of Oregon. FUSEE has joined University of Oregon and Portland State University faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students with expertise in Indigenous studies and/or environmental justice in this work. Our purpose is to amplify Tribal sovereignty and environmental justice issues in the management of National Forestlands managed by the US Forest Service (USFS) through the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP).


*Zoom links for the plenary and panel sessions will be available on the schedule page the day of the event.