Genesis Pharms

By: Nathan Starnes

Sean Beeman, 50, speaks with a potential medical patient while overseeing operations at his cannabis farm.  The farm, half-jokingly named “The Miracle Grow” because of the many people his RSO (Rick Sampson Oil) has helped, is located on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon. Beeman works seven days a week to keep his 2,500 cannabis plants well-nourished.

Sean Beeman (left) and Mike (right) discuss logistics about what needs to get done and which plants need the fish fertilizer. The RSO businesses is extremely costly and the stakes are high. If the cannabis plants are neglected, hundreds of patients will be without medicine.

One of Sean Beeman’s farm workers, Mike, scatters fish fertilizer on the cannabis plants. Fish fertilizer is comprised of whole fish, including bones and scales that would normally go to waste.  Not only does this help the plant grow, but it also meets Sean Beeman’s organic and sustainable business model.

Sean Beeman enters his shop, Genesis Pharms, located in Eugene, Oregon. The shop is where the processing of RSO occurs. Since using RSO and healing himself of Hepatitis C in 2010, Beeman has made it his life’s mission to help as many people he can. The white board is a friendly reminder of why he must keep going. “There isn’t a lot of money in RSO. That’s why I’m the only crazy bastard doing it!” said Beeman.

A display case at Genesis Pharms in Eugene, Oregon, shows the many different forms of medicine Genesis Pharms has to offer. For example, the suppositories (pictured at the top in syringes) are extremely effective in treating patients with Epilepsy. One of Sean’s epileptic patients suffered from three to nine seizures each day. Since taking RSO suppositories, she’s been seizure free for the past eleven months.