Top 10 Resources for Bridget Riley
1. Cork, Richard. “Ever-increasing circles: In the 1960s, Bridget Riley revolutionised our way of seeing. A retrospective of her work, far from being an act of closure, shows she is as inventive as ever. (The Back Half).” New Statesman [1996] 14 July 2003: 42+. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
This describes the feeling of experiencing a Riley piece at the Tate museum first hand. Also includes a brief history on the artist.
2. Benschop, Jurriaan. “Bridget Riley.” Artforum International 49.9 (2011): 300. Academic OneFile. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Mentions of influences and focus on later parts of her career and experimentation with color. Also cites her as the “queen of OP art”
3. “Bridget Riley.” Tate. Accessed January 20, 2015.
In depth look at her career starting from the very beginning, through all the stages and styles examined up until the end. Tate has a spotlight on her complete with a video where she speaks on her work. This site mostly focuses on her work and how it pertains to the Tate.
4. Payne, Olly. “Bridget Riley.” Op-art. January 1, 2012. Accessed January 19, 2015.
Overview of her history going through her biography with slight focus on her work. Also highlights the whole art world fiasco when her prints were fashionable to wear.
5. Blume, Mary. “Bridget Riley Retrospective Opens in Paris.” NY Times. June 19, 2008. Accessed January 21, 2015.
Interesting article written by the Times about Bridget Riley’s retrospective at the Modern Art Museum of the city of Paris. This article shed’s light on her personality as well as how critics and the public alike reacts to her work. The article also contains many quotes from fellow artists.
6. Goodinson, Elena. “Medical Mural: Bridget Riley Goes Wall to Wall at London Hospital.” The Guardian. April 7, 2014. Accessed January 19, 2015.
Here The Guardian focuses on her later works as more of a mural maker. Riley designed two floors for the St Mary’s Hospital in London 20 years after being commissioned to do the 10th floor.
7. Ritson, Julia. “Women from History: Thinking Bridget Riley.” Creative Women’s Circle. February 27, 2012. Accessed January 21, 2015.
Interesting women’s perspective from a website devoted to highlight women artists. Bridget explains her approach to change and creation as well as a quick biography.
8. “Untitled (Fragment 1).” Bonhams. November 27, 2012. Accessed January 19, 2015.
Website contains an in depth look at the fragment series, specifically Fragment 1. Site quotes Lynn MacRitsie from her book Fragments in Time discussing why she’s so successful. Also contains analysis on her work before and after Fragment.
9. Andrew Graham-Dixon at the National Gallery. United States: The National Gallery, 2010. Film
Information on influences and in depth look at setting up her work as well as analysis of some of her famous work at The National Gallery.
10. Shiff, Richard. “Bridget Riley by the Man Who Knows Her Best.” Phaidon. Accessed March 16, 2015.
Gives great insight in how her mind and process works from someone who knows her. Talks in depth about the optical effects and how the affect the viewer.