Fruitful Knowledge: Elderberries

The Fruitful Knowledge Provided by Paleoethnobotany; Elderberry Usage on the Northwest Coast by Kyla Overbay Plants are hugely important to human life, as they...

Herring: Look Back, Moving Forwards

Herring: Looking Back, Moving Forwards: Traditional Knowledge and Archaeology, Native Rights and Marine Ecology by Courtney Getz The Indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast...


Ethnoarchaeomusicology of the Northwest Coast: In Search of the Nuu-chah-nulth and Makah Wolf Ritual by Justin Ralls The Northwest Coast has wet winters and...

Climate Change and Archaeology

by Marissa McLean 2015 graduate of U Oregon Of the monumental issues we face today, climate change and its consequences are some of the...

Hearing the Herring: The Battle Against Hunter-Gatherer-Salmon-Redcedar-Opia

by Dan Farley U Oregon graduate student This research blog is both a response and homage to Mackie (2014), who made the following statement...

Temana Wa’s Rock: A Northwest Coast Shaman’s Beaver Bowl Carving

by Leah Rosenkranz former U Oregon graduate student The Beaver Bowl has been an important part of my family’s history, which is just one...

Herding Salmon: interpretations of fish weirs, traps, and clam gardens

by Hannah P. Wellman, Ph.D. student, U Oregon Fish weirs, traps, and clam gardens are intertidal zone modifications found on the Northwest Coast. These...

Hello world!

Welcome to our new blog, Northwest Coast: Archaeology as Deep History. Northwest Coast archaeology is a dynamic field and new research is constantly improving...