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Rowan Kirkpatrick

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Dying Cultures of Tunisia

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Tunisia has been the crossroads for trade between Europe and North Africa for several millennia, with a key geographical location on the Mediterranean. It has had influence from Carthaginians, Romans, Vandal, Jewish, Christian, Arab, Islamic, Turkish, French and Amazigh (Berber) cultures. Carthage, the main thriving city in Tunisia at the time, was founded in 816 […]

Tunisian Terrain

Monday, October 10th, 2022

Tunisia sits at the northernmost tip of North Africa. It shares over 1,000 miles of pristine coastline with the Mediterranean Sea, while most of of the south consists of arid desert. It shares direct borders with Libya and Algeria, and just a boat ride away from Sicily and Malta. Historically, it has been a strategic […]


Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Hi, my name is Rowan and I’ll be covering the various topics and intricacies of the country of Tunisia. Also known as the Republic of Tunisia, it is home to the eastern stretches of the Atlas mountains and the northern sands of the Sahara desert. It’s 1,300 kilometer coastline connects the western and eastern parts […]

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