Endangered Cultures

Wade Davis’ TED Talk on the subject of endangered cultures was very informative. He emphasizes how important it is to preserve and appreciate the diversity of the world’s indigenous cultures. The term “endangered cultures” refers to the threatened extinction of indigenous societies. Unfortunately, these cultures are starting to disappear at an alarming rate. For context, languages are no longer being taught within families, resulting in them dying out. Future generations are losing a vital part of their culture and are unable to completely understand it. A language is not only a collection of vocabulary but how culture and its traditions and shared values can be conveyed and preserved. With this topic at hand, the country of Egypt has struggled to preserve certain parts of its culture, specifically a language. The Nubian heritage and language are significant parts of Egypt’s history and cultural diversity. The language became endangered in Egypt after the enforced displacement of Nubians from their ancestral lands. Egypt’s biodiversity is also being threatened by human impacts. This includes excessive hunting, deforestation, clear-cutting, etc.


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