Sara Loveless has long served as an advocate for women and children. She led girl-empowerment program Girls on the Run – Heart of Missouri before her recent relocation to the Willamette Valley. Sara has overseen local campaigns of national programs including La Leche League, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health). Her passion extends to children’s education, having established an education foundation in rural New Mexico, and volunteering extensively with Columbia Public Schools and 4J school districts. Sara has served as an early childhood classroom teacher, taught as a certified Music Together instructor, and worked with children in yoga and movement classes.
Prior to her career shift to work with children and families, Sara served as public relations officer for organizations including the American College of Rheumatology, St. Louis Science Center and Anheuser-Bush, Inc.
Outside of work, you are most likely to find Sara enjoying downtown Eugene and Springfield events, soaking up the gorgeous Oregon Coast, or mortifying her school-age children by singing on a hiking trail.