90by30 News
May Research News
We're excited to announce that the Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect (Jeff Todahl, PI; Simone Piper, Co-PI) received a $200,000 grant from the Tides Center titled Dissemination and Community Engagement for Transformational Impact. This award will draw on...
Welcome, Leah and Forest!
90by30 is thrilled to introduce two new staff members: Leah Schluter (left), our new Community Engagement Coordinator, and Forest Rolnick-Wihtol (right), the South Lane Regional Leadership Team Coordinator. Forest will lead our efforts in South Lane (Cottage Grove,...
Trauma-Informed Schools Work Continues
We’re excited to announce that CPAN and the Oregon Research Schools Network recently received a new two-year contract for our trauma-informed schools work with South Coast ESD. This award supports years 2 and 3 of a trauma-informed schools implementation and...
The Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force – A 20-Year Retrospective
The Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect was honored to work with the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force to produce a report on the organization's impact over the last 20 years. It was a project especially close to our hearts, since former CPAN Co-Director...
Helping School Staff Support Students
An integral part of the Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect's trauma-informed schools work with Oregon Research Schools Network and South Coast ESD is the training of current school staff to serve as student support specialists. To that end, we're putting...
First Virtual Parent Café a Success
On January 28, we were excited to debut our first virtual Parent Café! This parent-to-parent program from the national Be Strong Families organization is designed to create safe spaces to discuss the joys and challenges of raising children. Twenty-four people joined...
Roots of Empathy Goes Virtual
Roots of Empathy recently received some great coverage from KMTR. While it's tough not being in the classroom since the pandemic began, Roots has gone virtual: "So much of what we’re doing this year feels different,” says 90by30 Associate Director Sara Loveless. "But...
Partnership with Nurturely Benefits North Lane Families
Our Welcome Baby program has exciting news! High-quality baby carriers and an educational video for their use will be distributed through North Lane's Welcome Baby Bundle pilot, which kicks off next month. Thanks to a partnership between Nurturely and 90by30, and...
Trauma-Informed Schools Partnership Featured in “Around the O”
For a century, the agricultural extension model, which pairs university researchers with groups of farmers, has helped farms generate more productive crops. Now that model is being applied to education. The Oregon Research Schools Network uses the expertise of UO...
[:en]Presenting at the Together for Families Conference[:]
[:en]90by30 and CPAN Director Jeff Todahl, along with colleagues from Center for the Study of Social Policy and San Francisco's Safe and Sound, presented October 14 at the Together for Families Conference on "Community Conditions that Strengthen Families." Even when...