K(no)w More
Helping Everyone PLay their Part
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In a recent survey, 85 percent of Lane County adults said that there is a role for each of us in preventing child abuse and neglect. Ninety-eight percent believe one of the most important responsibilities of adulthood is keeping children safe. County residents are willing to play their part in the fight against abuse and neglect – but they’re not always sure how to do it. Forty-three percent of survey respondents weren’t sure what they could do personally to solve the problem.
That’s where 90by30 comes in. We want to give people the tools to play their part in keeping kids safe and healthy. If we can change the mindset that child abuse is someone else’s problem – a problem to be solved by the police or Child Protective Services or schools – we can shift the social norms that keep us from coming together as a “village” to raise a child.
Every region in Lane County has developed its own prevention plan, with its own unique blend of strategies and resources to prevent abuse and neglect. But each plan is also complemented by an overarching countywide strategy: the K(no)w More media campaign, which emphasizes that, once we know more about child abuse and how to prevent it, we can say no more to anything that harms children and families.
K(no)w More is based on Play Your Part, a successful public service campaign implemented by Australia’s NAPCAN (National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect). Like Play Your Part, K(no)w More emphasizes the idea that each of us has a role in ending child abuse. No matter who you are or what part you play in the community, you can help create a positive, healthy environment for kids.