Spring 2021 NMCC Course Offerings

Spring Course offerings for 2021 are posted below. They are also posted on our website. If you are curious if a course not listed on the website can count towards the certificate, please check out our course petition process or contact us at NMCC@uoregon.edu for more information.

As a reminder, in AY 2020-2021, the Common Seminar, “History and Theory of New Media,” will be taught in both Winter and Spring Term. In Winter, the course will be taught in the School of Journalism and Communication. In the Spring, it will be taught in the Department of Comparative Literature by NMCC Director, Dr. Colin Koopman and will be titled “Histories, Theories, & Cultures of New Media.


Spring 2021 Course Listings


Common Seminar

Course Number Course Title Professor
COLT 618 Histories, Theories, & Cultures of New Media Koopman


Course Number Course Title Professor
ARTD 510 Art of Surveillance Ali
CINE 540 Top SE Asian Cinema Purnama
CINE 540 Top Transnat Asian Flm Ok
CINE 540 Top Mediterr FilmMedia Rigoletto
CINE 590 Top Transnl Film Genre Kim
Eng 588 Top Native Amer Cinema Brown
Eng 596 Top Feminst Media Theo Gopal
HIST 507 Sem Race & Biotechnlgy Valiani
J 512 Top Studying Games Foxman
J 617 Top Media & Identity Chatman
SOC 613 Top Soc Network Analys Light

Methods Courses

Course Number Course Title Professor
CIS 510 Game Programming Wills
CIS 510 Data Science Studio Fickas
CIS 572 Machine Learning Nguyen
EDLD 653 Func Prog Edu Data Sci Anderson
EDUC 611 Surv Educ Res Methods Alonzo
EDUC 636 Adv Qual Mth: New Mat Mazzei
EDUC 640 App Stat Des & Analy Biancarosa; Gochyyev; Griffin
J 641 Qualitative Res Method Newton; Pompper
J 660 Top Adv Quant Methods Maier
PSY 613 Data Analysis III Berkman

Electives Courses (note also that any Topics or Methods course counts as an elective)

Course Number Course Title Professor
ARCH 510 Bldg Info Model Revit Mladinov
ARCH 523 Top Media Design Devel Olsen; Givens; Leahy
ARTD 510 Public Video Art Prac Park
ARTD 510 Adv Digital Drawing Salter
ARTD 512 Experiment Animation Tan
ARTD 515 Video Art: Exper Film Vala
ARTD 563 Communication Design Tan
ARTD 572 3-D Computer Animation Silva
J 512 Top TV & Society Sen
J 560 Top Advert & Culture Elias
J 567 Top Digt Media in Asia Nah
LA 517 Computer Aided LA Des Thoren
MUP 765 Perf St Data Drivn Ins Stolet
MUS 547 Digita Aud & Sound Des/td> Stolet
MUS 578 Digit Aud Wrk Tech III Bellona
MUS 645 Adv Electronic Compos Bellona
MUS 693 Ore Electr Device Orch Bellona


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