A Capsule Aesthetic: Feminist Materialisms in New Media Art
by Kate Mondloch (UO, Dept. Head, History of Art and Architecture )
Collage art by Tokyo-based artist Q-TA
- Friday, March 9, 2pm
- Knight Library Browsing Room (Knight 106)
Catered reception and wine bar following discussion.
Discussants include Michael Allan (UO, Comparative Literature), Stephanie LeMenager (UO, English & Environmental Studies), and Daniel Rosenberg (UO, Clark Honors College, History).
The discussion will then feature a response from Kate Mondloch. NMCC Director Colin Koopman will introduce and moderate the session.
This event is sponsored by the UO New Media and Culture Certificate, the Department of the History of Art and Architecture, the Graduate School, the College of Arts & Sciences, and the UO Data|Media Research Collaboratory.