McDowell B., Mills J., Honda M. and Nazin G.V. Spatially modulated interface states in a two-dimensional potential: Single-layer RbI on Ag(111). J. Chem. Phys. 159, 224705 (2023).
Taber B., McDowell B., Mills J., Gervasi C. and Nazin G.V. Impact of External Electronic Perturbations on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Electronic Structure: Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory. J. Phys. Chem C, 127, 4651-4659 (2023).
D.A. Kislitsyn, J.M. Mills, S.K. Chiu, B.N Taber, J.D. Barnes, C.F. Gervasi, A.M. Goforth, and G.V. Nazin, “Creation and Annihilation of Charge Traps in Silicon Nanocrystals: Experimental Visualization and Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 710-716 (2018).
B.N. Taber, C.F. Gervasi, J.M. Mills, D.A. Kislitsyn, E.R. Darzi, W.G. Crowley, R. Jasti, and G.V. Nazin, “Quantum Confinement of Surface Electrons by Molecular Nanohoop Corrals,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7, 3073–3077 (2016).
D.A. Kislitsyn, J.M. Mills, V. Kocevski, S.K. Chiu, W.J.I. DeBenedetti, C.F. Gervasi, B.N. Taber, A.E. Rosenfield, O. Eriksson, J. Rusz, A.M. Goforth, and G.V. Nazin, “Visualization and Spectroscopy of Defects Induced by Dehydrogenation in Individual Silicon Nanocrystals,” J. Chem. Phys. 144, 241102 (2016).
B.N. Taber, D.A. Kislitsyn, C.F. Gervasi, J.M. Mills, A.E. Rosenfield, L. Zhang, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, J.S. Prell, A.L. Briseno, and G.V. Nazin, “Real-Space Visualization of Conformation-Independent Oligothiophene Electronic Structure,” J. Chem. Phys. 144, 194703 (2016).
D.A. Kislitsyn, V. Kocevski, J.M. Mills, S.K. Chiu, C.F. Gervasi, B.N. Taber, A.E. Rosenfield, O. Eriksson, J. Rusz, A.M. Goforth, and G.V. Nazin, “Mapping of Defects in Individual Silicon Nanocrystals Using Real-Space Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.7, 1047-1054 (2016).
D.A. Kislitsyn, B.N. Taber, C.F. Gervasi, L. Zhang, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, J.S. Prell, A.L. Briseno, and G.V. Nazin, “Oligothiophene Wires: Impact of Torsional Conformation on the Electronic Structure,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,18, 4842-4849 (2016).
D.A. Kislitsyn, B.N. Taber, C.F. Gervasi, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno, and G.V. Nazin, “Coverage-Dependent Self-Assembly Regimes of Alkyl-Substituted Thiophene Oligomers on Au(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 26959–26967 (2015).
C.F. Gervasi, D.A. Kislitsyn, T.L. Allen, J.D. Hackley, R. Maruyama, G.V. Nazin, “Diversity of Sub-Bandgap States in Lead-Sulfide Nanoscrystals: Real-Space Spectroscopy and Mapping at the Atomic-Scale,” Nanoscale, 7, 19732-19742 (2015).
L. Adamska, G.V. Nazin, S.K. Doorn, S. Tretiak, “Self-Trapping of Charge Carriers in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes: Structural Analysis,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 3873-3879 (2015).
B.N. Taber, D.A. Kislitsyn, C.F. Gervasi, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno, and G.V. Nazin, “Adsorption-Induced Conformational Isomerization of Alkyl-Substituted Thiophene Oligomers on Au(111): Impact on the Interfacial Electronic Structure,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 15138–15142 (2015).
M.D. Pluth, S.W. Boettcher, G.V. Nazin, A.L. Greenaway, and M.D. Hartle, “Collaboration and Near-Peer Mentoring as a Platform for Sustainable Science Education Outreach,” J. Chem. Ed., 92, 625-630 (2015).
D.A. Kislitsyn, C.F. Gervasi, T. Allen, P.K.B. Palomaki, J.D. Hackley, R. Maruyama, and G.V. Nazin, ” Spatial Mapping of Sub-Bandgap States Induced by Local Non-Stoichiometry in Individual Lead-Sulfide Nanocrystals,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.5, 3701–3707 (2014).
J.D. Hackley, D.A. Kislitsyn, D. K. Beaman, S. Ulrich, and G.V. Nazin, “High-stability cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope based on a closed-cycle cryostat,” Rev. Sci. Instum., 85, 103704 (2014).
D.A. Kislitsyn, J.D. Hackley, and G.V. Nazin, “Vibrational Excitation in Electron Transport through Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 3138-3143 (2014).