Ben Taber and Christian Gervasi Headed to ACS

Ben Taber and Christian Gervasi will be attending the upcoming ACS National Meeting in San Francisco. Ben will be giving an oral presentation, “Scanning tunneling microscopy of alkyl-substituted oligothiophenes on Au(111): Real-space visualization of molecular electronic structure,” from 8:10-8:50 am on Sunday, April 2, in the Sutro room of Parc 55. Christian Gervasi will be presenting a poster, “Impact of surface reconstruction on the electronic structure of PbS QD nanocrystals: Experiment and theory,” during the Inorganic Division poster session from 5:30-7:30 PM on Tuesday, April 4 in Hall D of the Moscone Center.

Check out them and their work!

Congratulations to Dr. Dmitry Kislitsyn!

Yesterday, Dmitry Kislitsyn successfully defended his dissertation, “Spectroscopic Studies of Nanomaterials with a Liquid-Helium-Free High-Stability Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope.” Dr. Kislitsyn has been instrumental in building and developing the Nazin Lab, and he will most certainly be missed. We wish him the best of luck as he goes to New York to begin his new position at Global Foundries!