George Nazin‘s group is developing novel scanning probe techniques for atomic-resolution spectroscopic studies of physics and chemistry in molecular and nanoscale materials. The Nazin group investigates the connection between the chemical structure and properties of nanoscale materials and devices. We are particularly interested in real-space experimental approaches that provide spectroscopic information on the atomic and molecular scales. We have constructed a state-of-the-art Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), an instrument that allows direct imaging and spectroscopic measurements of individual atoms and molecules, as well as construction of artificial nanostructures in-situ. The powerful combination of atomic-scale imaging, spectroscopy and manipulation afforded by this new STM allows us to gain unique insights into the relationship between the chemical structure and properties of novel nanoscale materials. Further, by combining STM experiments with characterization of devices made using such nanomaterials, we can evaluate how the spectroscopic properties determined using STM methods relate to the device behavior, which is essential for laying out the groundwork required for a rational design of future nanoscale devices. Projects
Carbon Nanotubes The Nazin Lab spatially-resolves CNT electronic structure.

D.A. Kislitsyn, J.D. Hackley,
G.V. Nazin, “Vibrational Excitation in Electron Transport through Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots,”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 3138-3143 (2014).
Quantum Dots (Semiconducting Nanocrystals) The Nazin Lab maps the electronic structure of individual PbS nanocrystals and investigates mid-gap states at the atomic-scale.

D.A. Kislitsyn, C.F. Gervasi, T. Allen, P.K.B. Palomaki, J.D. Hackley, R. Maruyama,
G.V. Nazin, ” Spatial Mapping of Sub-Bandgap States Induced by Local Non-Stoichiometry in Individual Lead-Sulfide Nanocrystals,”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 3701–3707 (2014).
Semiconducting Polymers The Nazin Lab investigates surface-induced isomeriaztion, self-assembly regimes, and resulting electronic structures of alkyl-substituted oligothiophenes adsorbed on the Au(111) surface

B.N Taber, D.A. Kislitsyn, C.F. Gervasi, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno, and
G.V. Nazin, “Adsorption-Induced Conformational Isomerization of Alkyl-Substituted Thiophene Oligomers on Au(111): Impact on the Interfacial Electronic Structure,”
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
7, 15138–5142 (2015).
D.A. Kislitsyn, B.N Taber, C.F. Gervasi, S.C.B. Mannsfeld, L. Zhang, A.L. Briseno, and
G.V. Nazin, “Coverage-Dependent Self-Assembly Regimes of Alkyl-Substituted Thiophene Oligomers on Au(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy,”
J. Phys. Chem C, In press (2015).