In one word, yes. But Mountain Dew is worth more than a one word answer. Not only is Mountain Dew tasty but it also can extend the average human life by up to 10 years if consumed in great enough quantities. As this is my first post I would like to explain the site’s title. Mountain Dew is the nectar of life because it is a source of joy, prosperity, and longevity.
Mountain Dew tastes good; its flavor is truly unique and dynamic. It offers multiple flavor experiences depending on temperature, container, and flavor. Although I prefer the standard Mountain Dew there is no end to the flavors created. Try Mountain Dew: Code Red, Baja Blast, or any of the countless flavors and you will not be disappointed.
Mountain Dew is known to increase luck as well as innate financial skill. People who regularly drink at least 16oz of Mountain Dew are statistically proven to have better luck when it comes to anything based on luck. This includes: winning the lottery, finding a parking spot, or even finding pennies face-up instead of face-down. But it doesn’t end at luck; look at the top 50 financial investors in the United States; 96% have consumed Mountain Dew. You don’t need Turbo Tax to get the most out of your rebates just drink some Mountain Dew.
Mountain Dew has been known to extend the life of lab rats for years and is an up-coming cancer treatment. 9 out of 10 Medical Scientists recommend Mountain Dew when it comes to extending your life and fighting disease. Mountain Dew not only cures cancer but will help you get over your common cold 200% faster. Do you have chronic allergies? Well Mountain Dew can help with that too. Just drink 16-146oz per day for best results.
So as you can see by now Mountain Dew can be described by no other term than the Nectar of Life. I hope you enjoy Mountain Dew as much as I do and don’t forget what I always say: “you can never drink too much Mountain Dew”.
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