On the 1956 Campaign Trail

Series N, Box 12, Folder 19

1956 Morse Campaign Picture, Series N, Box 13, Folder 19, Wayne L. Morse papers, Coll 001, Special Collections & University Archives, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

The UO Special Collections and University Archives, host to over 3000 collections, is home to the Senator Wayne Morse Campaign Papers, 1944-1968 and Radio, Television, and Motion Picture archives.

Correspondences, speeches, literature, financial records, campaign paraphernalia, radio and television scripts, phono-records, tape recordings, television tapes, motion picture reels — the Wayne L. Morse Papers preserves primary materials from Senator Morse’s campaigns for his own election and re-election, and Senator Morse’s campaigns on behalf of others. Beautifully preserved and made available to the public, the UO Special Collections and University Archives gives you the opportunity to experience history first hand.

This project, supported by the UO Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics and the UO Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Center, curates items from the famed 1956 Senate Race. COME JOIN US — ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL — WITH SENATOR WAYNE “THE MAVERICK” MORSE.

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