Life Assessment: Values

My personal values list:

Top 5 (in order): Family, Friendship, Integrity, Health, Enjoyment

Others (in order): Security, Loyalty, Personal Development, Personal Accomplishment, Independence, Wisdom, Leadership, Location, Prestige, Wealth, Expertness, Service, Community, Creativity, Power


Within the 20 values on the list, today I have expressed the values of friendship, family, health, enjoyment, loyalty, personal development, wisdom, and service.

With these activities, 4 out of my top 5 appeared today.  I believe most of the things I do during the day reflect at least a few of my top 5 values.  It would make sense to have activities reflecting your own top 5 values because those are things you hold important in your life and they shape who you are and also what you do.

My family is stubborn, so I guess that would be integrity in a more formal matter.  They stick with what they believe in.  Also, enjoyment and personal development is really important to my family.  If you are not enjoying life, then there’s no meaning to it.  My family also takes friendship to heart because they’re like our family and we treat our friends with love like we do family.  Honestly, my family has great values and I know I got put into the right family.

My personal goals change every now and then because I will think of one that outreaches my previous one.  For example, I wanted to graduate college.  Well, now I want to graduate college with honors.  I always try to think of a way to be the best I can be and in order to do that I have to let nothing slow me down or get in my way.  One of my biggest goals in life, if I’m being completely honest, is having a stable, enjoyable career with a loving family and being able to provide for them while teaching them to live every moment like it’s your last.

Values hold a very important role in my life.  I live every day thinking about my personal beliefs and how I can better myself through them.

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