Pinterest Case Study Blog Review

Blog Post

*Side note: I love Pinterest. You could call me obsessed. So, naturally, when I found this article I screamed a bit on the inside. I have heard about the amazing success of Pinterest in the last year, but haven’t actually looked at the numbers of it or a study of the reason behind the success. So here’s a little knowledge for both me and you:

Pinterest, if you haven’t heard of it, is an online pin board (basically).  It allows you to look at a number of “pictures” to inspire you, or help you with a DIY (Do It Yourself) project, and re-pin them onto your own “board”.  It has become one of the top websites in the nation and just recently underwent a major facelift.  The site was already pretty easy to navigate and very user friendly.  However, they have added many new features like trending, related posts, and scheduling pins to release during peak “pin times”.

This blog post describes the impact that Ahalogy (the technology doctor behind this facelift) has had on Pinterest’s user activity and interaction.  Making the website more interactive and offering more options for users to get inspired make Pinterest one of top websites in the nation.  Specifically, the impact that Ahalogy has had on the success of Pinterest is remarkable: “In the first week of using Ahalogy, the brand’s traffic from its Pinterest account doubled. In the second week, it tripled. At the end of the program, the campaign saw a consistent six time increase during a time when web traffic to the brand web site typically decreases.”

Of course there is more to the study, which is linked in the blog post, and I think it would be interesting to read more on this, especially if you are interested in major business development and growth. Being on Pinterest since the beginning of it’s existence, I have seen it develop and grow almost weekly, and personally, I dig all the new changes!


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