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Tag Archive 'art'

Sunflower Seeds

Ai Weiwie’s remarkable “Sunflower Seeds” has been installed in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern. “Sunflower Seeds” consists of one hundred million hand craftet sunflower seeds. Read Evan Osnos description of the project here. Initially visitors were encouraged to walk through the seeds. There are now reports that is no longer possible because of […]

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1968 ASCII Animation from Russia

Russian scientists created this cat computer  animation in 1968 from hundreds of ASCII images of the cat, then printed them out and filmed them pose by pose. Brought to my attention by A. Kolovos.Thanks Andy. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O4mm3hXNgA&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

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Abstract Comics

Abstract Comics, published by Fantagraphics in 2009, challenged common understandings of the comic. Andrei Molotiu, who edited the volume, included works that pushed the form to the edge. Associated with the book is a blog of the same name that publishes on a regular basis the work of artists who continue to challenge the form. […]

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Image from The Art History of Games Conference

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Weight of Fall (Waltz)

Weight of Fall (Waltz), is a site-specific video installation created by Zerek Kempf for the Eyebeam window gallery. “Installed in a street-level window, Kempf’s Weight of Fall (Waltz) erects obscuring materials that directly abut the glass: plywood, curtains, and styrofoam refuse viewing access to the space beyond the window…Weight of Fall (Waltz) exploits the viewing […]

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WESTAF has released transcriptions from a recent cultural policy symposium. Messaging I: Constructing the Argument, and Messaging II: Arts and Culture Redefined, are now available. A podcast of Steven Tepper’s presentation “Shifting Gears in a New Era of Audience Participation and Engagement” is also available.

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Flatrr Social Micropayment System


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