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Category Archive for 'Teaching'

IMG_0554For the past six months, without success,  I have been trying to locate examples of zines produced in China. On Sunday I had the opportunity to experience the China Design Now exhibit at the Portland Art Museum. Included in the exhibit were examples of independent music zines from the mid to late 90s. The zines on display were created in Shenzhen and distributed for free in “music bars.” Titles on display included Q-zine, Hollywood Disco Bar Communication, and New Masses.

Excellent websites associated with this exhibit have been launched by the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Portland Museum of Art .


Cosplay is defined on Wikipedia as “short for “’costume roleplay’,..a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character or idea. Characters are usually sourced in various … media, including manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies.

Students in Transformative Desire and Transhuman Culture created  a character that in some way transforms the human experience in a trans or post humanist way.

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