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HASTAC has announced its first Scholars forum of the year. The focus is Openness in Academia. Scholars are discussing blogging, online personas, sharing information and syllabi, open access to publications, using Openness as a practice, pedagogy and a politics. AAD graduate student, Tomas Valladares, is a HASTAC scholar

Questions being discsussed include:

Openness in research and publishing: How can new academics gain prominence in their field while still embracing openness? How can academics and scholars who are committed to openness negotiate this in their interactions with institutions that rely on scarcity and closed access?

Openness in professional and personal identities: To what extent is privacy at odds with openness? How can academics make decisions about how public to make their engagement with non-academic communities and networks? What is the value of or drawback to developing anonymous or pseudonymous identities, and do these conflict with the spirit of openness?

Openness in teaching and learning: How can we engage openly and transparently with our colleagues about what happens in the classroom? How would this affect our students?

Openness in policy: Is openness a threat to the university model? How can institutions embrace openness and still remain necessary?

Access the forum at: http://www.hastac.org/scholars.

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