At the second seminar, we began to learn about the leadership styles. There is the front runner, the builder, the planner and the closer. I come to find out that I am a planner. I learn by putting thoughts into action, but I do have a blindside. My blindside is that I think of the plan of action so fast that I forget to stop and listen to others. I have noticed my style of strength in action every time I want to make a decision. I always have to think ahead before I do something, but soon after I know what I want, I can not help but get it done my way. I am aware of my style challenge. I have noticed it before the seminar and started taking action to fix it, but it does sometimes bother me internally because it is not the way I would like to get things done. What I can do to protect my blindside is to always try to include others by asking for their feedback or asking what and how they want to get things done.