Winter Session; Class 8: Experiential Learning Career Fair

We went to the Diversity Career Symposium today. Leaving the bus, I never felt so nervous in my life because I did not know what to expect, but as the day went on, I loosened up and it was a great and beneficially experience. I learned that even in the professional world, it is okay to be yourself, in a professional manner. These companies want diverse candidates because they offer what other people can’t. Diverse candidates have insight and values that each company is yearning for. Each panel was beneficial. One that really stood out to me was S.P.I.C.E. It … Continue reading Winter Session; Class 8: Experiential Learning Career Fair

Winter Session; Class 7: “Sticky Stories”

In class today, we brainstormed for our presentations. We only have 6 clicks and 3 minutes to tell the class why we are the way we are, what are goals are and how we will get there. It seems like such a hard task, but I know it is possible. We are advised to tell a story that stands out and also shows are strengths. Thinking about it, I want to tell the class who I am, which includes my name, where I’m from, my cultural background and my interest. The next slide, I would like to tell the class … Continue reading Winter Session; Class 7: “Sticky Stories”

Winter Session; Class 6: Experiential Learning the Elevator Pitch

Today in class was quite amusing, but necessary. We learned a correct way to hold a handshake. A correct was to hold a handshake is to shake their whole hand with a nice grasp. We watched a video on shaking hands. One that really stood out to be was “The Lobster” because I know of people that actually shake hands like that. The class and I went around the room and got feedback on each other’s handshakes which went pretty smoothly. Then we went into perfecting our elevator pitch. I went over and over my pitch with a mentor, but … Continue reading Winter Session; Class 6: Experiential Learning the Elevator Pitch

Winter Session; Class 5: Opportunities You Seek

In class, we were doing preparations for the Diversity Career Symposium. We were told what to do and what not to do. We were told to meet the goals of getting informational interviews, creating a relationship into getting a mentor or mentors, and finding job shadowing programs or internships. They told us we only have two hours to complete each task. It was quite nerve racking to say the least. We were told to remember TIARA. T-Trends… Industry specifics. I-Insights… Individual views. A-Advice… As it applies to me, a student. R-Resources… What they did as a next step. A-Assignments… What … Continue reading Winter Session; Class 5: Opportunities You Seek