
  • Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philosophical endeavors.
  • Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual.
  • Explore one’s own value system.




Looking at my day, I think that my activities express most of my top values. I participated in a tennis tournament this weekend so I have spent the day with my friends on the team relaxing from the long weekend and developing our friendships. Because it was such a long weekend I am very exhausted, but I value enjoyment over my health which proves why I felt the need to participate in everything this weekend instead of getting the sleep I need.

I also worked on school work that has not only helped my with my personal development by doing this assignment, but I also used creativity for an assignment for my Art Business Development class. I am developing a business plan for my career in the arts world and have found the more creativity I use, the more I like how my ideas turn out.

I think the importance on independence as a value comes from how I was raised. I always feel the need to do things myself and not relay on others to do what I should be doing. I was always taught that I need to take responsibility for myself. I think now though I have learn more that being independent does not mean that everything is on me, but to also seek help when I need it.

I have never really pursued goals that I thought I could not achieve, but lately have been making goals and I am going to need to work hard for but I know in the end it will be worth it. If you do not take a chance, then it will never happen and I think that is why I value personal development so much. I am learning to challenge myself. I want to get my master’s degree in art management so I can pursue a career in an visual arts organization and even eventually open my own gallery.


Looking back at my list of values and how I ranked them, I can reflect back on the more recent weeks of activity and say that they still seem to hold about the same order. It is interesting how your values seem so imbedded in your everyday life without you even realizing it. I think this relates to Lewis’ definition of how values are “personal evaluations and beliefs that propel to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life.”

I think about how I first developed my values and how they were developed at different times based on events in my life. Lewis says that “human beings cannot separate the way they arrive at values from the values themselves.” I think that is is very relevant because the event or people that influence how you develop a value are the main part of that value. When I think about my personal development value I always think of my parents pushing me to better myself and pursuing things that will help stabilize my life. There were times in my life that I had no idea what I wanted to do in the future and so experiencing that confusion really made me value developing myself so that I could figure out what lays ahead for me.

Future Goal:

My goal is to continue to assess what my life values are and how that affects the things I pursue in my career as well as my relationships. I want to continue taking more chances and make make goals for myself that will help me strive to better myself and make a difference in the community in which I surround myself. I hope that by making an conscience effort to uphold my values in the things I do will allow me to better myself as a person.

set and reach goal concept


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.


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