Creative Spirtituality Reflection
May 16, 2015
1. How do you define “spirituality”?
Spirituality is a belief in something bigger than yourself. It does not have to be a religous figure or a relic, although it can be. It is noticing the world around you and thinking about what may lay beneath it all. Also noticing your spirituality can be done in different forms. Artists tap into their spirituality when they create art. Other may do it through yoga or even just relaxing in their homes.
2. Does spirituality differ from religion?
Religion is usually participated in through a community organization, like going to church, where people share the same beliefs of the creation of the world and how to live your life. There are usually specifics rules or beliefs that are laded out and with spirituality it can be very individualized. The focus with spirituality is on yourself and what your thoughts and beliefs me in your life. There also aren’t any set rules to hw you experience spirituality.
3. How do you define “creativity”?
In the dictionary creativity is defined as “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination”. I think that is a good way of understand creativity because creativity doesn’t just come in one form but many and it is all about creating or express ideas in a new way.
4. What is the source of creativity?
Spirituality can be a source of creativity because you are looking within yourself for meaning and new perspectives. It have also come from the outside world or the people you surround yourself with. I think that pretty much anything can inspire creativity if you are paying attention.