As I began watching people walk from class to class on 13th today, I noticed an older white man sitting in the shade with his dog across from the president’s building. I could tell he was an older man because he had gray hair underneath his hat. He wore round glasses, a button up shirt, […]

Food as Art Research

April 26, 2015

This article is debating where or not food can be art and how maybe the importance of food in our culture has turned it into more than just something needed to survive. Food can be experienced in many ways, whether it is through private dining experiences or eating out. The author draws on two ways […]

Can Food Be Art?

April 23, 2015

Before looking at the question of food as art, I first want to think about how to define art. I have always seen art as the product of some type of artistic expression that was done with the intention of being art. There should be a reason or meaning behind whatever the artist is producing […] After watching Denis Dutton’s Ted talk on A Darwinian theory of Beauty, I began to consider how beauty is construed in my life. I never considered ideas of beauty as something that has been past through time and that what we as humans find beautiful come from our ancestors ideas of beauty. I then started […]

Life Values Assessment

April 12, 2015

Looking at my day, I think that my activities express most of my top values. I participated in a tennis tournament this weekend so I have spent the day with my friends on the team relaxing from the long weekend and developing our friendships. Because it was such a long weekend I am very exhausted, […]

I thought is was very interesting and correct how Xuanren described values as the difference between humans and animals because I never thought of it that way. Having values allows us to make decisions that are not just based on instinct. I do question when Xuanren said, “everyone need to find our own personal values as […]

For this reading, I found it interesting how the author talked about the difference in values versus instincts and how sometimes our values can over ride nature instincts like self-preservation. If your instinct is to stay alive and yet our beliefs or values tell us to jeopardized our lives, then what is the driving factor?  Is […] I recently read this article from the blog Hyperallgeric called, “Sketches for First Mac Icons Acquired by MoMA”. The post is about the exhibition called This Is for Everyone, which is comprised of the pixel art images designed by Susan Kare. I found this post interesting not only because it shows you images of […]

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