As of Friday November 28th at 6:19 pm I am officially 19 years old! This week brought many fun things. Starting with Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday but hey can you blame me it’s like pre or post birthday depending on the date of the Thursday in question, really could anyone actually pass up a day where you eat copious amounts of delicious food and then to pile it on you get to open gifts too. Although because I opened all my presents on Thursday and Wednesday, I didn’t actually have anything to open on my actual day of birth. Saturday I went over to my cousin Emily’s shop in St. Johns and bought a new dress. Then Aunt Carol and I went to Target and did the ten names she picked off the Giving Tree at church. It is a tradition that always gets my in the mood for the Holiday Season. It was hard saying good bye this afternoon but I know I’ll be home soon and if I’m being honest I missed everyone here. I did not miss school though! Sometimes this place feels like school and sometimes it feels like summer camp.
Ok so I know my blog post is late but I have a good reason well ok its a reason at least. My week was utterly boring. So I waited until I had done something worth writing about! I went to the Back to the Mac event before the basketball game and then I went to the actual game! Although they ran out of Pit Crew shirts, it was still a lot of fun. We won of course! The score was 107 to 65! I forgot how much I love basketball, its a whole different atmosphere to football. When you are watching football there are so many things separating the fans and the action, but at a basketball game, it like it’s just you and the players who are so close you can almost see the sweat dripping from their brows. Hopefully I am able to attend more games!
Remember at the end of my last post how I told you that I had just watched Jersey Boys? Well I think you can now classify this as a full blown obsession. I have watched the movie again and listened to the soundtrack all the way through at least three times today. It’s about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons and the music is absolutely amazing hits like Sherry, Big Girls Don’t Cry, and Walk Like A Man. There are so many fantastic songs from this musical. I love musicals but I cant remember the last time I felt this way about one. My are going pretty well I had an oral exam in spanish on Monday and it was terrifying, but I did alright so I guess it wasn’t that bad. This weekend is Halloween and I have an Ethnic Studies assessment and a History essay due on Wednesday. If I want to do anything fun this weekend I had better get all that in line or Sunday is going to be a very stressful day. I am also starting to think I have some sort of magic powers when it comes to getting tickets for football games. This past Sunday I was poised at my computer ready to strike when the clock ticked down to ten o’clock. When it counted down I started clicking until I arrived at the log in page. Well as it happens Layla had used my computer to get tickets for the last game and was still logged in. I realized this only after I had secured a ticket. So I quickly logged off and typed in my own number and password, fortunately I struck gold once again and got a of my own ticket. Then Victoria was having a problem getting to the page, so she gave me her log in information and I procured a third ticket for her. It is now four o’clock on thursday and I am waiting anxiously at my computer to try for a fourth ticket for a girl who didn’t get one on Sunday. So here’s hoping that my luck hasn’t run out! I have proverbially crossed my fingers( it would be hard to type if I actually crossed my fingers) but the sentiment is still there. In other news my best friend from home is coming down for the weekend! I am going to either be Minnie Mouse or Harry Potter (I knew those glasses from Leavesden Studios would come in handy!)for Halloween. I wasn’t kidding about the Jersey Boy’s thing either. I typed that part on Monday and I am currently listening to the soundtrack now!
Well thats it, it’s happened. I. HAVE. A. COLD. This is quite possibly the worst thing. My nose is running, my head hurts and to top it all off I sound like a man. A voice this deep should not be coming out of my body. Perhaps you could say I’m over reacting but you would be wrong. Have you ever tried to blow your nose with a ring going through it? WELL it’s not easy. The game last week was a good one, we won! It was a lot of fun, but I guess winning always is. The rain has finally started. It came out in full force this week. I have lived in Oregon my whole life and one week of rains here and I have already asked for rain boots for my birthday. I was slightly ashamed of the fact that I asked for rain boots, just think next I’ll start using an umbrella!! The horror! I mean I probably wouldn’t have this cold if I wore my rain jacket more but I’m from Oregon and a little rain never hurt anyone. To quote my mom, “It’s not like you’re made of sugar.” Last week I experienced the first of what I expect will be many tests in my college career. It was exhausting. I don’t think I ever had to study that hard in high school, although, I guess I have more on the line here. I went to a study session at 8PM on a Wednesday night. History is and always has been my favorite subject. I’m not even quite sure why I love it so much. You can get me talking about certain person or period and I just get this feeling in my chest I don’t know if I can quite explain it but someday I want to be able to help or at least try to help people find that feeling too. BIG news my mom called me earlier today and informed me that One Direction is coming to Seattle in July and tickets go on sale on the 1st of November AND they are my birthday present!! I am so excited! The last concert I went to was fabulous and I can’t wait to see them again. I know I’m little late on this post but I got sucked into a movie and once it was over I was already out of time. If it counts for anything the movie was Jersey Boys and it was fabulous!

Got a hoop put in!
Got a HUGE package from Mom and Aunt Carol!
Layla and I looking fly after we went to the piercing parlor!
Today I went to the Homecoming parade. We watched as the Duck passed by waving on a scooter and in the sky an airplane passed overhead waving a banner. Afterward I went with my friends Layla and Victoria to High Priestess to get Layla’s nose pierced! Over all my week has been very busy. I have already had two exams. As of today I am switching to a hoop in my nose of a stud! I am hoping that it looks good. I’ll post a photo once it’s done!
When it comes to making friends I’ve always had it pretty easy. I went to school with the same group of kids from Elementary school all the way through high school, and even college with a few of them. Coming to the university wasn’t so scary once I realized I would be experiencing this new journey with some of my oldest and closest friends. When I got my room assignment I asked around and no one I knew was in my dorm, this presented a problem, I was going to be living in a hall full of strangers. People who I could potentially not get along with and maybe even hate. Luckily that is not the case at all. I have found some great new friend and I’ve started to build what may soon become lasting friendships for the year and beyond. I am getting along famously with most if not all of the girls on the 3rd floor of Collier. There are two girls in particular who I have been hanging out with and I am really excited that I have met and gotten to know them!
This weekend has been interesting to say the least. On Friday night my roommate got sick and I mean really sick. We ended up spending most of Saturday at the ER. Let me tell you it was nothing like the hallowed halls of County General. There weren’t any doctors who looked like George Clooney or Noah Wyle and it definitely didn’t have the hustle and bustle atmosphere that the fictional Chicago hospital portrayed for so many years. Although it wasn’t the most fun situation in the world we ended up making the most out of it, and had a grand time in the tiny exam room. Since Saturday was so eventful, Sunday was a day of rest and homework. I spent most of the day in my dorm room, in Vicky B. and Layla’s room, or wondering the hall trying to find anything to do that wasn’t my homework. It is now 7:19pm and I am sitting in the Common Grounds Cafe contemplating whether or not to buy a Chicken Pesto sandwich, which is fast becoming my favorite thing to eat at Hamilton. I received a card from Aunt Carol today and one from Mom yesterday. I can tell they miss me and as long as I don’t think about it, I can forget how much I miss them. Thanksgiving is not all that far off and I know I will miss everyone from school when I leave for the holiday and my birthday, which happens to fall on black friday this year, but I am very much looking forward to seeing my family.