Creative Spirtituality Reflection

I believe spirituality to be ones own ideology and perception on life. It is a thought process and belief that people use to live their life and support the decision that they make. Spirituality isn’t something that is right or wrong, and it is different for many people. Somebody can be spiritually involved in a church or somebody can be spiritually involved with yoga or art or something that gives them higher meaning or purpose in life and makes them feel complete.

I believe that spirituality does differ from religion. From my perspective, I believe religion is something that has to do more with an institution; something like a church, but spirituality is more freebased and is created within a person’s own mindset. Spirituality is something that you can create on your own whereas religion is something that is dictated to you. Spirituality is something that can’t always be put into words, but religion is almost always written now in books, like The Bible, and people must stick to those guidelines.

Creativity is when somebody can use their imagination or ideas in their mind to express himself or herself. I believe creativity is a very general term and there are many ways a person can be creative. Somebody can create a picture, dance, sing, build, or act to name a few things that would express somebody’s creativity. Creativity is something that is difficult to explain because it just happens and many people cannot explain their creativity in detail, but I believe it to be their emotions and thoughts coming out in an artistic way.

The source of everybody creativity is very different in everybody, it is how one releases what is inside of them. My creativeness will not be the same as somebody else’s creativeness because my ideas are very different from other people. I believe everybody has some aspect of creativity within him or her, but being able to express that creativity is more difficult for some people. Once you find your source and inspiration for creativity then you can find a way to express it that feels right to you. I believe with creativity it is important for you to feel that it is right and it really doesn’t matter what other people think of it because it is your ideas and being creative should make you feel good about yourself.

About Marie

I am Senior in Human Physiology at the University of Oregon. I love to travel and experience new cultures and countries. I enjoy my studies for my major and when I am not at school I enjoy exercise, being outdoors, and spending time with friends.
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